KEROBYAN MEDIATION is pleased to offer a Basic Mediation Training entailing a minimum of 40 instructional hours, generally taught over a four-day period held on weekends.
The training is a balance of theory and practice, and focuses on a facilitative style of mediation in which the parties are generally kept in the same room and caucus is a tool within the process. Trainers use diverse teaching methods including classroom-style presentations, demonstration role plays, videos, active learning exercises, and outside readings. The training addresses specific California statutes and California’s ethical standards for mediators. During training, there are several opportunities to role play simulated mediation sessions. All role players are provided feedback from experienced mediator/coaches in 4:1 ratio.
Training Components:
Overview of conflict theory
Dealing with emotions
Mediator standards and ethics
Models of intervention for conflict situations
Communication skills and their effective use in mediation
Cross-cultural implications and bias awareness
Theory and application of interest-based mediation
Theory of interest-based negotiation and relationship to mediation
Theory of interest-based mediation and when it can be used effectively
Simulation mediation role plays
Who Should Attend — This training is designed for anyone interested in learning how to assist others in resolving their issues. It also provides an opportunity for those desiring to improve their communication and negotiation process skills as a means to enhance personal and professional development. Those interested in developing referrals and alternative dispute resolution systems will also benefit from this course.
This training satisfies the statutory requirements of the California Dispute Resolution Program Act.
Prerequisite — None (This training is the prerequisite for advanced and specialized mediation training.)
Registration — $1,500 ($1,200 if already a premium member) Registration includes a guided note-taking workbook; experienced/active mediators to serve as coaches during role plays; lunches, and refreshments during training.
What will you get?
Basic 40-hour training + Certification
First year of premium membership coverage (worth $299.00)
First year of’s certification coverage (worth $149.00)
First year of professional membership in Southern California Mediation Association (worth $225.00)
Upcoming Training Dates:
Session I: October 16-20, 2023; Los Angeles CA.
Session II: October 23-27, 2023; Los Angeles CA.
Session III: November 20-24, 2023; Los Angeles CA.
Note: In order to provide you with the best training experience, each training session will be limited to 10 participants.
Trainings after the above dates will be announced thereafter.